Listen to a sample of the album below.
Voice of the Heart: Remembering
This beautiful collection of devotional songs were inspired by remembrance of loved ones. All songs are composed by Abraham Sussman
Track listings:
- Coming Home – Written in 1994 for the memorial service of Esther Brudevold, Halima’s mother, whose love of music has blessed our family.
- Breath of God – 2003, May we remember that life is a miracle, a gift.
- Murshid Rides (Murshid SAM) Written in 1971, remembering the transition of Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis, my teacher of the inner life. May the seeds of his guidance continue to sprout and spread.
- Let There Be Beauty – A Traditional Native prayer.
- Winning and Losing – 1977 Words from Jelaluddin Rumi, translation by Robert Bly
- Oh Great Spirit – 1985, The words, a prayer of the Lakota Sioux, came in the mail.
- Healer Man (Karmu) 1981, Remembering Karmu, Murshid Sam’s Black Christ, who turned no one away. I am grateful for the energetic contributions of my sons Daniel & Eliahu on bass and drums.
- Prophets’ Zikr – We remember the prophets Mohammed, Jesus, Moses & Abraham, whose examples inspire humanity.
- On That Day – Written at Lama in 2000, the words are from the Hadith marking Murshid Sam’s Maqbara.
- Spring – 1999, Inspired by a melody of Abdullah Ibrahim.
- Open Heart (Hazrat Pir Moineddin) Written in 2001, upon the passing of my friend, Murshid Moinedeen Jablonski, whose gentle presence open hearts.
- Wild Goose 1998, Thanks to Ricardo’s amazing violin on this and throughout the whole album. Invocation by Saadia Chisti, who sings the sacred phrase, Ina lillahi wa inna aleihi rajaun. We come from God and to God we make our return.

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