This is an extraordinary moment on our beautiful planet and in our human history. We face huge challenges and also great opportunities for growth, change and awakening to our intrinsic interconnected nature.  We invite you to join us for a weekend retreat Friday eve July 31 through Sunday August 2, 2020. These are dates our annual Northeast Eat, Dance & Pray Retreat would be meeting and given the circumstances this year, we are guided to offer instead a healing retreat, United in the Heart that will meet via zoom.  

This retreat provides an opportunity to cultivate collective heart space, share spiritual practice, work with and hold what is arising within with courage and compassion, and support each other in the process.  We could say that we are all in some state of dying and being born, pregnant with a future that we do not know yet.  As Valerie Kaur suggests, this is a time to Breath and Push. We are cultivating Revolutionary Love. 

Retreat leaders are Halima, Abraham, Yasmin Haut, Maitreya Jon Stevens, Malika Salazar, Ilona Vorslav (Russia) and Tarana Wesley. 
Aliye Gallagher and Shakti Rowan will be our zoom hosts and are available if you need help with zoom.
We hope you will join us!

The retreats opening session is Friday evening July 31, 7-9 pm.  
Saturday  and Sunday tentative rhythm:  

8am morning practices
10-11am morning session
4-5pm afternoon session
7-9pm evening program  

We ask people to commit to the whole retreat. We are creating a living container to support our retreat process. 

This Retreat is offered in service to our collective wellbeing. We accept the free will offering of dana ($ exchange)    
We know that this time is financially challenging for many and accept whatever you feel you can offer. 

Tarana is our retreat registrar.  Please register at  https://form.jotform.com/201886093525056   

We will send the zoom link to those registered, as the retreat draws closer. 

Questions? Email Tarana at <tarana.wesley@gmail.com> or Abraham at <northeastsufis@gmail.com>  

May our gathering serve the  transformative power of our collective awakening and the wellbeing of all.